Emergency Cat Pack

Mariam Shafiq
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Like me, you might have yet to give emergency supplies any thought before experiencing a natural catastrophe. I learned the value of having the requirements on hand after experiencing a 7.5-intensity earthquake that shook major cities in Pakistan in 2015.

Forget about energy and phone towers. We’re discussing necessities for survival like food, water, a sleeping bag, etc. As per a publication in 2021, the number of cat owners in Europe was estimated to be at 113.59 million. Just imagine the number of cats suffering from food and water shortage if prerequisites aren’t taken timely.

How To Be Ready To Look After Your Cats In An Emergency

To prepare for a few days of emergency living, I put together a single duffel bag (and packed the three carriers)for my three cats. What I suggest is as follows:

Air-Dried Uncooked Cat Feed

My cats like Ziwipeak dried lamb cat food, which means I only need to renew one bag of it regularly since they finish the previous bag before it expires. This meal is potent because it contains several nutrients in a tiny quantity. Read the suggested portions, and have enough food for each cat to last at least three days.

Purina is considered the best cat food brand according to a survey conducted in July 2020 as compared to other brands in Italy.


Like humans, all cats need plenty of water supply to survive. I have additional water that I can use to moisten the dry food and sufficient water to replenish their usual water requirement for three days.

Dishes For Feeding

I’ve bought cat camping equipment. Little pop-up bowls that are flat in my kitchen until they are opened. Use a plastic spoon to stir your food.

Litter Box

I highly advise bringing:

  • a litterbox (search for the biodegradable kind, such as pressed cardboard as a base that you can quickly dispose of),
  • a tiny bag of litter, and
  • a clean, untouched scooper for outdoor as well as indoor cats.


A towel can be used as a mat, whether rolled up or spread out while sleeping. I’ve prepared a big, comfy towel for my cats to use whenever they need it for comfort or cleaning.

One Roll of Paper Towels

Each cat needs its harness and leash. They most definitely do not like wearing harnesses. Leave them close to where they sleep so that kids may learn that harnesses are safe and recognizable things before there is ever an emergency.

Additionally, after they’ve become used to them, test them out in non-emergency situations to increase your likelihood of employing them successfully in an emergency.


Keep a record of the items in your emergency kit in your files. I made a note of the dates on which the meals and water in my emergency bag for the cats would expire. Every year, I check the list to see what is expired while others are still valid.

Let me know how you monitor your pet’s food expiry in the comments below. In this manner, when we shelter in place and wait through the turbulent period, there won’t be any turned-up nose at what I feed my kitties.

